WELCOME to the Boston Temple SDA Church’s Health Ministries department's newest initiative. 

We invite you to take charge of your health; mentally, physically, and spiritually. You can begin at any time. The purpose is to intentionally take action in order to improve one’s health. Allow us to introduce you to the NEWSTARTer Program™. This program is based on eight fundamental health principles that have been proven to help one achieve optimum health. It is based on the acronym that makes up the name of the program: NEW START (Click on the links below for more detail):

Our program is based on mindful habit changes based on health education provided throughout the year. Periodically, the program will introduce a new health fundamental. All one has to do is make the decision to participate; we’ve included a pledge you can sign and print out to remind you daily. You can invite a friend to go through the process with you. Support during this or any other program improves the probability of success.  Check in frequently for new tools and information that will allow you to make informed health choices in your life.

Our tools will assist you in tracking your success (Click here to download your copy of the Food/Habit log).

Make it official; become a NEWSTARTer!  Sign the pledge today and participate in the program daily throughout the year. (Click here to download your copy of the pledge!)