Photo by mrjn Photography


A clean body and surroundings are indispensable for physical and mental health. Water is an all-purpose cleaner both inside and out. It is an abundant and effective agent for washing away dirt, germs, and bacteria. All the functions of the body depend on water. It is the universal lubricant that makes everything else work well.

1. A lack of water dehydrated the fluids, tissues, and cells of the body. It causes the blood to thicken, increasing the risks of stroke and heart disease. Insufficient water can mimic hypoglycemia, causing headaches, tiredness, and fainting spells. The body loses ten to twelve cups of water every day. The food we eat provides two to four cups of water, so we need to drink six to eight glasses each day to make up the difference.

2. Pure plain water is the best way to replace the fluid you need. Many sugar laden beverages actually result in a loss of water from the system; it requires more water to metabolize the sugar in a drink than it can provide. Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics which cause the body to lose water. You need an extra glass of water for every high-sugar, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverage you drink.

3. Drinking water with meals dilutes the gastric juices and slows the digestive process. The best time to drink water is between meals, beginning an hour after eating, until fifteen minutes before the next meal.