Photo by Michael Held
Sunshine has gotten some bad publicity recently; the impression has been given that even small amounts of sun are harmful. While it is true that excessive sunlight can increase the risk of skin cancer and cataracts, sunshine in moderate amounts has many benefits.
1. Sunlight coverts cholesterol into vitamin D, lowering the blood cholesterol, helping prevent many types of cancer and aiding calcium absorption, which in turn helps prevent osteoporosis and tooth decay, makes stronger denser bones, and speeds bone repair.
2. Sunlight kills many germs and enhances the immune system. Many skin diseases respond well to controlled doses of sunlight.
3. Sunlight soothes the nervous system and is important in treating depression. It gives a sense of well-being by increasing endorphin production in the brain.
4. Sunlight strengthens the cardiovascular system. It improves the circulation, lowers the heart rate, and normalizes the blood pressure and blood sugar, bringing highs down and lows up.
5. Sunlight aids in weight loss, increasing the metabolism by stimulating thyroid production.
6. Sunlight improves sleep. Natural light exposure in daytime increases melatonin output at night.
7. Sunlight improves liver function; it is an effective treatment for jaundice.
What About Skin Cancer?
Melanoma, a quickly spreading skin cancer that is fatal in 20 percent of cases, is associated with a lack of regular sun exposure and repeated burning of the skin. Sun should be taken in moderation. It provides so many benefits that avoiding it is not a healthy choice. At least ten minutes of sunlight per day is necessary to maintain good health. We receive the sun's rays even on cloudy days; however ordinary window glass filters out 95 percent of the useful ultraviolet light.