We will be holding BTYA elections during forum time this Sabbath, November 4, immediately following potluck. Regardless of whether or not you would like to hold a position on the new BTYA team, participation is highly encouraged. The available positions are listed below. If you want to nominate yourself or someone else for any of these positions, please do so HERE.
President: ultimately responsible for the actions of the BTYA leadership team
- calls and chairs meetings
- serves as a member of the BT church board, which meets every month
- designates a co/vice-President if desired
Forum Coordinator: organizes BTYA forum
- sets the direction, topic, and structure of Forum
- finds other young adults to lead out/facilitate the discussion each week
Communications Coordinator: responsible for all communication between the BTYA leadership team and the BT young adult population
- sends out a weekly newsletter via email
- updates the BTYA Facebook page
- adds new young adults to the email list as needed
- ensures important announcements are included in the bulletin
Hospitality Coordinator: coordinates BTYA potluck
- organizes potluck at BT every 3rd Sabbath each month
- plans menu, finds others to contribute, and ultimately makes sure the food is prepared, put out, and ready to eat when the church service ends.
Event Coordinator: takes the lead for all BTYA social events/outings
- coordinates special events for BTYA each month
- largely contributes to planning for the yearly BTYA retreat
Members at Large (2)
- assist in all planning and execution of BTYA responsibilities
- help/fill in wherever needed